THE SUN: an inexhaustible source of energy and our clean alternative.
The latitude at which Italy is located makes it particularly suitable for the use of solar energy, a renewable source that is widely available and clean.
This is why important resources must be dedicated in order to create innovative and performing solutions, to make the world greener but above all Italy.
From photovoltaics and agrovoltaics, have a positive environmental impact by reducing damage and producing clean energy. First of all, we must reduce the greenhouse gases and the use of coal.
Bringing solar power where the environmental impact is most felt, see abandoned industrial sites, and quarries and open-air landfills, but above all in agriculture to give a greater income to companies, responding to their different needs in the best possible way.
• a photovoltaic system guarantees energy production and profitability for well beyond 30 years, guaranteeing amortization of the equipment that goes well beyond the cost of the system. This also applies to regions with less solar radiation.
Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that a system allows the electricity produced to be fed into the grid when it is not consumed, selling it to GSE and thus receiving an economic contribution that will increase the return generated by overall energy savings.
Often the classic distinction is made between panels made with monocrystalline silicon and those in polycrystalline. Panels made with monocrystalline silicon cells are more expensive, but can have a better yield.
Moreover, now, with the developments of the latest technologies, the advantages of thin film are no longer exclusive. With the new monocrystalline photovoltaic cells, even better results are achieved even in unproductive days.
High efficiency photovoltaic panels:
By now there are panels that with measures similar to the standard (1.65 x 1 mt) reach powers of 400 watts and more. It is normal for the price to be higher, but you can benefit from some exclusive benefits:
- Often they produce more during the year.
- The products of some brands, which we will install last longer, even up to 40 years;
- They take up less space for the same kW (kWp) installed.
- In the future, in the event of an upgrade, you may have more surface available to place other modules.
Polycrystalline | 280 | €70.00 |
Monocrystalline | 300 | €85.00 |
High Efficiency | more than 360 | €250.00 & above |
Inverters allow you to check the production of your system via an application on a smartphone, tablet or PC. An interesting convenience …
The most advanced inverters, which have a higher cost, are those that “communicate” with the power optimizers.
These optimizers can recover up to 25% more solar energy. Therefore, it is true that the cost is higher, but also the economic return is and above all more kw are produced, also reducing environmental impact by taking up less space.

The PNRR dedicates € 1.1 billion to him, but what is agro-voltaic? the marriage between agriculture and solar energy.
daAgro-voltaico: the marriage between agriculture and solar energy

What are agrovoltaics? An innovative sector, which has ample space for attention from many operators in many regions and is in great expansion. In fact, agrovoltaics integrates photovoltaics into agricultural activity, which allow the owner of the company to produce energy and at the same time to continue agricultural crops or animal husbandry.
daAgro-voltaico: the marriage between agriculture and solar energy
The PNRR dedicates € 1.1 billion to him, but what is agro-voltaic?
An agro-photovoltaic system is realized without additional costs when in an agricultural area the photovoltaic panels are equipped with monoaxial trackers that allow to follow the path of the sun avoiding the permanent shading of a part of the soil (increasing up to 20% the energy produced) and placed at a height and distance such as not to affect normal agricultural activity, but rather can favor it. If installed on uncultivated areas, they provide the agricultural entrepreneur with resources to start otherwise uncompetitive productions. They can also be the foundation on which to build a renewable energy community.
The first line of investment envisaged by the PNRR to bring renewable energy to 30% of final consumption is based on 4 points:
- unlocking the potential of utility-scale plants, in many cases already competitive in terms of cost compared to fossil fuels but which primarily require reforms of authorization mechanisms and market rules to reach their full potential, and enhancing the development of agro opportunities -voltaic;
- accelerate the development of small-scale energy communities and distributed systems, particularly significant in a country that faces many limitations in the availability and use of large land for energy purposes;
- encourage the development of innovative solutions, including integrated and offshore solutions;
The first point of the Renewable Energy, Hydrogen, Network and Sustainable Mobility (M2C2) mission is dedicated to the development of agro-voltaic, to which a total of 23.78 billion is dedicated. EUR. In particular, 5.9 billion is allocated to the item Increase the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources. € 1.1 of which for agro-voltaic development.
daAgro-voltaico: the marriage between agriculture and solar energy
Paolo Marzola, the Director of 919, has an important past in companies in the food sector and interfaces with many and important slaughter animal breeders where the business is in its infancy but certainly successful as the leading experts in the sector are increasingly supporting and spreading .
After years spent dealing with slaughtering, he has chosen to give an ethical change to his career and to devote himself to renewable energy, in particular to the production of electricity through solar (photovoltaic) sources, applied to numerous slaughtering plants.
Given the characteristics that are developing in agrovoltaics today more than before, I believe that pursuing energy saving and the use of renewable energy means building an important model of green economy starting from the raw material that is the land and livestock for arrive at a broader and more circular project, part of a philosophy of life, aimed at safeguarding the environment and the planet, understood as a common good.
Reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources and trying to use all the knowledge that evolves daily as well as spreading the awareness that everyone, in their own small way, can contribute to a better future: this is the goal of 919.
Using an Italian manufacturer of photovoltaic modules that develops high quality panels means giving work to many people in the area by making a further circular and green economy but above all creating wealth for the same.
The global demand for energy will continue to increase in the coming decades and if we waste further time in the realization of important and well-structured and efficient works, they will see us in the future as the last in Europe and having to pay important energy bills and be out of competition in many sectors.
This is why we are committed, together with you, to positively changing the future and therefore to lay the foundations for our next generations for a better coexistence of energy development and nature.
daAgro-voltaico: the marriage between agriculture and solar energy
The PNRR dedicates € 1.1 billion to him, but what is agro-voltaic?
An agro-photovoltaic system is realized without additional costs when in an agricultural area the photovoltaic panels are equipped with monoaxial trackers that allow to follow the path of the sun avoiding the permanent shading of a part of the soil (increasing up to 20% the energy produced) and placed at a height and distance such as not to affect normal agricultural activity, but rather can favor it. If installed on uncultivated areas, they provide the agricultural entrepreneur with resources to start otherwise uncompetitive productions. They can also be the foundation on which to build a renewable energy community.
The first line of investment envisaged by the PNRR to bring renewable energy to 30% of final consumption is based on 4 points:
- unlocking the potential of utility-scale plants, in many cases already competitive in terms of cost compared to fossil fuels but which primarily require reforms of authorization mechanisms and market rules to reach their full potential, and enhancing the development of agro opportunities -voltaic;
- accelerate the development of small-scale energy communities and distributed systems, particularly significant in a country that faces many limitations in the availability and use of large land for energy purposes;
- encourage the development of innovative solutions, including integrated and offshore solutions;
The first point of the Renewable Energy, Hydrogen, Network and Sustainable Mobility (M2C2) mission is dedicated to the development of agro-voltaic, to which a total of 23.78 billion is dedicated. EUR. In particular, 5.9 billion is allocated to the item Increase the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources. € 1.1 of which for agro-voltaic development

Areas of intervention/Measurements
1. Increase the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources.
Investment 1.1: Development of agri-voltaic.
Investment 1.2: Promotion of renewables for the energy community and self-consumption.
Investment 1.3: Promotion of innovative systems including off-shore.
Investment 1.4 Biomethane development.
Reform: 1.1 Simplification of the authorisation procedures for renewable plants, new legal framework to support production from renewable sources and extension of the times and admissibility of current support schemes

Alternative Energy is the Alternative
More and more we talk about green and respect for the environment WE at 919 … we care about the environment, because it is what we will leave to our children, who are already in the company, but above all we want to ensure a future for ours planet and you have children of our children.
More and more there is talk of the need to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, to contain the rise in global temperatures and all the consequences that derive from this. Today more than ever fossil sources must be left in favor of renewable ones.
Photovoltaics is the simplest alternative to choose, because it transforms the extraordinary power of the sun into energy, clean and always available and with costs today much lower than 10 years ago, thanks to the continuous research and studies that the various panel manufacturers (soul of the system) achieve performances that were unthinkable. .
Providing your plants that you want to achieve the top of technology means increasingly moving towards greater self-sufficiency from an energy point of view and at the same time a contribution to protecting the environment: this is 919’s path …. for a future green and sustainable with more kw produced and always guaranteed by the GSE.
More and more we talk about green and respect for the environment WE at 919 … we care about the environment, because it is what we will leave to our children, who are already in the company, but above all we want to ensure a future for ours planet and you have children of our children.
More and more, there is talk of the need to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, to contain the rise in global temperatures and all the consequences that derive from this.
Today more than ever fossil sources must be left in favor of renewable ones.
Photovoltaics is the simplest alternative to choose, because it transforms the extraordinary power of the sun into energy, clean and always available and with costs today much lower than 10 years ago, thanks to the continuous research and studies that the various panel manufacturers (soul of the system) achieve performances that were unthinkable. .
Providing your plants that you want to achieve the top of technology means increasingly moving towards greater self-sufficiency from an energy point of view and at the same time a contribution to protecting the environment: this is 919’s path …. for a future green and sustainable with more kw produced and always guaranteed by the GSE.
daAgro-voltaico: the marriage between agriculture and solar energy
The PNRR dedicates € 1.1 billion to him, but what is agro-voltaic?
An agro-photovoltaic system is realized without additional costs when in an agricultural area the photovoltaic panels are equipped with monoaxial trackers that allow to follow the path of the sun avoiding the permanent shading of a part of the soil (increasing up to 20% the energy produced) and placed at a height and distance such as not to affect normal agricultural activity, but rather can favor it. If installed on uncultivated areas, they provide the agricultural entrepreneur with resources to start otherwise uncompetitive productions. They can also be the foundation on which to build a renewable energy community.
The first line of investment envisaged by the PNRR to bring renewable energy to 30% of final consumption is based on 4 points:
- unlocking the potential of utility-scale plants, in many cases already competitive in terms of cost compared to fossil fuels but which primarily require reforms of authorization mechanisms and market rules to reach their full potential, and enhancing the development of agro opportunities -voltaic;
- accelerate the development of small-scale energy communities and distributed systems, particularly significant in a country that faces many limitations in the availability and use of large land for energy purposes;
- encourage the development of innovative solutions, including integrated and offshore solutions;
The first point of the Renewable Energy, Hydrogen, Network and Sustainable Mobility (M2C2) mission is dedicated to the development of agro-voltaic, to which a total of 23.78 billion is dedicated. EUR. In particular, 5.9 billion is allocated to the item Increase the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources. € 1.1 of which for agro-voltaic development.
daAgro-voltaico: the marriage between agriculture and solar energy
Paolo Marzola, the Director of 919, has an important past in companies in the food sector and interfaces with many and important slaughter animal breeders where the business is in its infancy but certainly successful as the leading experts in the sector are increasingly supporting and spreading .
After years spent dealing with slaughtering, he has chosen to give an ethical change to his career and to devote himself to renewable energy, in particular to the production of electricity through solar (photovoltaic) sources, applied to numerous slaughtering plants.
Given the characteristics that are developing in agrovoltaics today more than before, I believe that pursuing energy saving and the use of renewable energy means building an important model of green economy starting from the raw material that is the land and livestock for arrive at a broader and more circular project, part of a philosophy of life, aimed at safeguarding the environment and the planet, understood as a common good.
Reducing the consumption of non-renewable resources and trying to use all the knowledge that evolves daily as well as spreading the awareness that everyone, in their own small way, can contribute to a better future: this is the goal of 919.
Using an Italian manufacturer of photovoltaic modules that develops high quality panels means giving work to many people in the area by making a further circular and green economy but above all creating wealth for the same.
The global demand for energy will continue to increase in the coming decades and if we waste further time in the realization of important and well-structured and efficient works, they will see us in the future as the last in Europe and having to pay important energy bills and be out of competition in many sectors.
This is why we are committed, together with you, to positively changing the future and therefore to lay the foundations for our next generations for a better coexistence of energy development and nature.
daAgro-voltaico: the marriage between agriculture and solar energy
The PNRR dedicates € 1.1 billion to him, but what is agro-voltaic?
An agro-photovoltaic system is realized without additional costs when in an agricultural area the photovoltaic panels are equipped with monoaxial trackers that allow to follow the path of the sun avoiding the permanent shading of a part of the soil (increasing up to 20% the energy produced) and placed at a height and distance such as not to affect normal agricultural activity, but rather can favor it. If installed on uncultivated areas, they provide the agricultural entrepreneur with resources to start otherwise uncompetitive productions. They can also be the foundation on which to build a renewable energy community.
The first line of investment envisaged by the PNRR to bring renewable energy to 30% of final consumption is based on 4 points:
- unlocking the potential of utility-scale plants, in many cases already competitive in terms of cost compared to fossil fuels but which primarily require reforms of authorization mechanisms and market rules to reach their full potential, and enhancing the development of agro opportunities -voltaic;
- accelerate the development of small-scale energy communities and distributed systems, particularly significant in a country that faces many limitations in the availability and use of large land for energy purposes;
- encourage the development of innovative solutions, including integrated and offshore solutions;
The first point of the Renewable Energy, Hydrogen, Network and Sustainable Mobility (M2C2) mission is dedicated to the development of agro-voltaic, to which a total of 23.78 billion is dedicated. EUR. In particular, 5.9 billion is allocated to the item Increase the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources. € 1.1 of which for agro-voltaic development

Areas of intervention/Measurements
1. Increase the share of energy produced from renewable energy sources.
Investment 1.1: Development of agri-voltaic.
Investment 1.2: Promotion of renewables for the energy community and self-consumption.
Investment 1.3: Promotion of innovative systems including off-shore.
Investment 1.4 Biomethane development.
Reform: 1.1 Simplification of the authorisation procedures for renewable plants, new legal framework to support production from renewable sources and extension of the times and admissibility of current support schemes
Annual investments in photovoltaic systems will have to grow by 6 times over the course of the decade
“To get an idea of the required acceleration, photovoltaic systems for around 750 MW were installed in 2019, while starting from next year, and for the whole of the next decade, we will have to add 4,400 MW each year on average, that is 5 , 9 times as much “
In the paragraph that the PNRR dedicates to agri-voltaic, it is stated that the investment measure specifically provides:
- “the implementation of hybrid agriculture-energy production systems that do not compromise the use of land dedicated to agriculture, but contribute to the environmental and economic sustainability of the companies involved, also potentially enhancing the water basins through floating solutions.”
“The investment aims to make the agricultural sector more competitive, reducing energy supply costs (currently estimated at over 20 percent of the variable costs of companies and with even higher peaks for some herbivorous and granivorous sectors ), and at the same time improving the climatic-environmental performance. The objective of the investment is to install a production capacity from agro-voltaic plants of 1.04 GW, which would produce about 1,300 GWh per year, with a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions estimated at about 0.8 million tons of CO2 ” .

From these figures it is clear that agriculture is considered a key element to achieve the objectives set in the PNIEC that are very difficult to achieve and that they will be even more so after the upward revision that will be necessary in light of the increase in the European reduction target. of CO2 emissions to at least 55% proposed by Parliament under the Climate Law and which reached an agreement between Parliament and the Council last month.
“The upward revision of the objectives set by the Italian PNIEC will result in accentuated electrification, with the share of renewable production to cover electricity consumption destined to rise from the current 55% to about 65%. (…) To a very large extent, the gap will have to be covered by new photovoltaic capacity which, instead of the 52,000 MW predicted by the PNIEC, will have to rise to at least 65,000 MW. This is an increase of approximately 44,000 MW compared to the 20,865 MW installed in Italy at the end of 2019.”
From these figures it is clear that agriculture is considered a key element to achieve the objectives set in the PNIEC that are very difficult to achieve and that they will be even more so after the upward revision that will be necessary in light of the increase in the European reduction target. of CO2 emissions to at least 55% proposed by Parliament under the Climate Law and which reached an agreement between Parliament and the Council last month.
“The upward revision of the objectives set by the Italian PNIEC will result in accentuated electrification, with the share of renewable production to cover electricity consumption destined to rise from the current 55% to about 65%. (…) To a very large extent, the gap will have to be covered by new photovoltaic capacity which, instead of the 52,000 MW predicted by the PNIEC, will have to rise to at least 65,000 MW. This is an increase of approximately 44,000 MW compared to the 20,865 MW installed in Italy at the end of 2019.”